Erjun Zhang

PhD student
Institute of Biomedical Engineering
University of Montreal (Poly)
Lab: NeuroPoly
Room: 1.7.13, TransMedTech Institute, CHU Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center

The focus of my research is on the Diffusion MRI models specifically designed for preterm infants. Our team has established a new imaging protocol (model) for scanning infant brains at the Saint-Justine Research Center and have successfully scanned a cohort of infants. Currently, I am working on processing the collected images and analyzing the data through traditional methods, as well as utilizing machine learning and deep learning methods to extract valuable insights from the data. For further information on our recent advancements and published works, please refer to the Publications section.

News: Recently (on November 23, 2023), one of our new ariticle, Severe Central Nervous System Demyelination in Sanfilippo Disease, was published in the journal of Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience.


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